I have been involved with Nepal for over 15 years & in that time I have come to love the country & its people like my own. Being married to a Nepali, owning business & having built a charity over these years I have travel extensively across the country & enjoyed every minute. To most people Nepal is known for the snow capped mountains, the Himalayan trails & of course Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world. And they come in their thousands to trek into the Himalayas following the well trodden trails of thousands before heading for the snow capped mountains which is great for Nepal & them.

Views like this await you in rural Nepal

But Nepal has so much more to offer with the foothills of the Himalayas stretching across the width of the country offering a rich geographical landscape to explore as well as some of the most amazing cultures this world has to offer. And this stretches all the way down to the flat lands of the Terai & the border of India. Its a fantastic place for people who love walking, seeing new places & some great scenery. So at Hiking4fun we are working with our team in Nepal to create a series of hiking areas which will allow you to explore at your own pace while experiencing rural Nepal at its best. And best of all it supports local communities that struggle to survive away from the main trekking routes.

How it works!

We have chosen a number of local homestays (it gives the visitor a chance to experience rural Nepal by staying with a Nepali family) who have been hosting international visitors where the surrounding landscape has a lot to offer. Using these as bases you will have the opportunity to hike out in any direction (with a guide) walk your own pace & distance before returning to the homestay for the evening. Its a great way of seeing places in Nepal that normal tourists will not see while at the same time helping to build infrastructure in rural villages. 


1. It gives you the chance to not only hike in Nepal but also explore a culture that has been developed over centuries. Nepali are known for their hospitality throughout the world so come & experience it in rural Nepal.

2. All of the funds spent will go to supporting local communities across Nepal, the homestay provides local produced food & any money spent on snacks etc. Will be spent in local shops. Even the guide will be local means anything spent will help people from the area you choose.

3. You walk at your own pace & at the distance you want, if you get so far into a hike and decide enough is enough you head back to the homestay. The guide is there to support you in doing what you want to do. If you need to find transportation back to the homestay they will also do this for you.

4. The cost is a lot less than trekking because when you have paid the booking charge which covers airport pickup & first night in hotel (if needed) you are paying rural prices for everything. Depending on what level of homestay you decide the prices vary from £10 to £40 per night & some charge by the room. Add snacks & price of guide its a lot less expensive than trekking.

5. All across Nepal there are some amazing views of the Himalayas just waiting for you to photograph so we work with homestays where views are available.

So please look at our homestays and see if there is one suitable for you.

Please use this link to get in touch with our team