Affinest Hiking shoes the brand i am comfortable with

It doesn’t matter who you are or how old you are if you have been hiking, walking or trekking in your life then you have experienced blisters at least once from poorly made socks or worn out boots & if you don’t pop them at the time & continue walking it can be very painful. Personally I have learnt this from an early stage as never been one to spend money I have always worn out my Affinest hiking shoes a little too much before replacing them.

Now with thousands of miles walked and many blisters popped I do try to replace them as often as possible going for quality rather than price. And I really think this reflects in the comfort and feeling you have after walking a few miles. Personally I can vouch for this after doing a 15 mile hiking a few weeks back and having a blister half way round (and no pin to burst it) so by the time I got back home it was blood red and very painful meaning I didn’t enjoy the hike for the last half of it. Hence new pain of hiking trainers were bought and on my first hike out in the country over 16 miles I really enjoyed myself & my feet felt great.

So my point with this post is don’t wait too long to buy new hiking boots/trainers because its about the hike/walk or trek and if your feet are comfortable then you will enjoy it so much more. Hiking is for you to get away from the daily grind of life and be free for a few hours so you don’t want every step of that being in pain. Spend a little money buy a great pair of hiking boots and get out there and enjoy. My personal recommendation is Affinest hiking shoes brand because they are reasonably priced and good quality but please have a look at the selection on our website by pressing the link below.

Hiking boots