Bambooco biodegradable body wipes

More details please follow the link

I am a person who grew up in the country with a black and white TV and miles & miles of countryside to play in. In fact myself & my brother & sister spent very little time (when raining and when we had to come home after dark) & as you can imagine very dirty. But we loved being outside making dens, playing, fishing and generally getting dirty which we didn’t mind and these habits stuck with me through the years. Especially when I would go travelling into countries where the hygiene standards didn’t match ours in the UK. In fact I pride myself on the fact that I can go from living with all the mod cons one day to sleeping in a mud hut the next with no running water, occasional electric and food cooked on an open fire the next. And to be honest I feel perfectly at home in both situations often going from one extreme to the other in the course of a day when visiting Nepal.


And to anyone who has truly roughed it in the wilderness & rural areas where electricity and home comforts that don’t exist having a good wash as well as using toilet paper can sometimes be missed. But with the invention of these Bambooco biodegradable body wipes  its no longer an environmental problem creating body washing waste. The times I have been out in the rural areas of Nepal and have gone native sometimes for weeks because of my belief in that we are doing enough damage to the planet without me adding to it is uncountable. Now I don’t have to worry because in fact when I am planning my next trip to Nepal I will be taking several packets of these Bambooco Large whole body biodegradable wipes with me. And when I am there using them with pleasure that when they are buried with my waste it will be going back to mother earth.

But I personally think these wipes arent just for hiking, camping and the outdoor enthusiasts to stay clean & fresh with but for everyone who cares something about the planet we call home. If everyone uses these instead of the normal wipes then tonnes of wipes would be taken out of the waster that is created every year by us humans.

Bambooco biodegradable body wipes a must for all Nature loving people


Please note there is a Number of other brands on the market available on our website