Checking out new routes

Checking out new routes

We are trying to do something different with hiking in Nepal with placing international Hikers in to local homestays where the money they spend will be filtered into the local community hopefully helping others along the way. And the majority of these local homestays are in the foothills of the Himalayas we must check them out first to make sure they are good for hiking, safe areas (majority of trails in Nepal are safe but its always good to check them out and make sure they are fun for hiking) with basic infrastructure such as supply of water, medical 7 of course ways of extraction if anyone sprains their ankle or god forbid worse. Safety will always be our first concern in this field as you are our guests and in that you must not only be resected but also looked after.

Barnan always travels with either friends or small groups as not only is it a safety issue but a lot more fun that way. And here in the photo this was taken on the way out of Chitwan heading into the foothills of Nepal to check out several Cheppang villages that we are trying to build a small hiking route through. Its a pet project that both Barnan and I support because we have both been up into these villages and love the hospitality of the Cheppang people as well as the amazing views of Chitwan stretching out over the Terai towards India and turn 180 degrees to the north the possibility of catching views of the snow capped mountains of the Himalayas.

It may look just like a normal trail in most parts of the world but I can assure you a few more miles into the mountains it starts to get a lot steeper. From what Barnan and the lads say about this little hike it was fun but they had to carry most of the supplies until they reached the Cheppang village. Not a problem for the lads at all because if we can open these trails up to the villages then hopefully you will come and the money generated will go into helping the people in the villages.

Please check our website out using the link below and if you fancy some wild hiking to help uplift a couple of villages with some great food and amazing views then why not come to the Chitwan trek.

More details on Chitwan trek or hiking in Nepal .