Conqueco heated jackets

I stumbled on this product the Conqueco heated jackets and thought WOW what a great idea because lets face it how many of us have been outside in the winter either working or just out for that winter hike which we all enjoy. And then suddenly a blast of cold wind penetrates the clothing making you shiver which in turns make you think of that nice warm fire waiting for you inside. And for me personally who has spent a lot of time outside in the winter on various jobs if these were around when I was younger I would have had several in the wardrobe because everyone loves being warm.

But lets look at the uses for such a jacket with the first having to be when you decide to head out for a short hike in the Winter as your tired of being cooped up inside. Its dry but ever so cold so the heated hoodie goes on under the jacket and off you go feeling great because your bodies core is warm. Realistically you are not going to spend too many hours outside in the Winter so the charge will last you comfortably throughout the time you are. And this product isn’t just for hikers & trekkers as everyone who works outside all year round would beneficent from one of these because no matter how think your clothing is the wind always seems to be able to penetrate somewhere. With one of these under the jacket you body core will always be warm which in turn spreads out to the rest of your body. Making them a great piece of clothing for anyone working outside all year round.

The Spec for this particular Conqueco heated jackets is that it has a Conqueco power bank with 3 carbon fibre heating elements that generate the heat across the core body areas. It has 3 setting which can easily be adjusted with the press of a button or a smart auto jump to lower temperature whe its needed.

To sum things up I love these so much I am planning to buy one for myself because I do spend a lot of time outdoors and the cold does get to me occasionally so its well worth the money.

More details please follow the link below

Conqueco heated jackets