FreshWipes rinse free shampoo caps

Lets be honest scientists are always coming up with new ideas for people one to make the world easier and two for money but I really think the FreshWipes rinse free shampoo caps has to be for the first one because what a great idea for patients who are incapable of washing themselves or moving to the bathroom.

But this great product can be used in hiking & trekking because lets face it how many times have you been up on a trek for a couple of weeks you get to the hostel, tea house and the bathroom is basic to say the least I know I have because my longest time I have gone without washing properly was 15 days in the mountains and I was dirty (to say the least when I came down). If fact getting on the plane out of the Himalayas I really did feel sorry for the other people but that’s life. But we have all gone through this at times choosing not to wash properly in freezing cold water or temperatures, its part of hiking.

Now you have a choice because 100% biodegradable wipes are available (I know they arent as good as a steaming hot shower but beggars cant be choosers as they say) for you to at least make yourselves feel a little fresher. And these caps, well why not throw a couple of FreshWipes rinse free shampoo caps in the bottom of your rucksack and halfway through the trek pull one out and give it try. Same as the biodegradable wipes I don’t think they will be as good as a shower but it may make you feel a little cleaner. Which in turn makes you feel a little fresher & allows you to enjoy the hike more.

And when you look at the instructions on these FreshWipes rinse free shower caps if you are lucky in the fact that there is a microwave at the tea house, hostel you may even get to warm it up. If not then a cold hair wash is better than nothing. And please remember it may say the primary use is for people who cant wash their own hair but I am a firm believer in if it works then use it.

For more details please follow the link below

FreshWipes rinse free shower caps