GPS the future of hiking?

Most of us started trekking/hiking & orienteering a few years ago now when we had to rely on the old grid maps, sign posts and instructions which meant we had to use our brains & think on where we were going and how we would get there. To be honest most of the hikes I did when younger were in the UK so getting lost is pretty difficult to say the least. Though in some places around the UK it still can be done like up in Snowdonia region etc. But as long as you follow basic rules find a stream or water and try to head downhill carefully you will eventually find your way back to civilization. But for myself who have used to read the OS maps to 6 figure grid references I have started taking a liking to the GPS hand held devices that are on sale because they do so much for you when hiking especially taking away the need for map reading etc.

I have been looking at a number of them when making this website and the Garmin eTrex GPS outdoor handheld unit has taken my fancy because of the fact it has preloaded topoactive maps & routable roads for cycling and hiking. Great here for the UK but I would really be interested in trying it out when back in Nepal. It also has a compass and built in barometric alto metre setting allowing you to work out where you are as well as keep track of changing weather conditions. ( I have several times used a compass to find my way in the past just working out which direction I needed to go from the north bearing). Add these and other facts including its battery life is around 25 hours meaning great for day hikes (and a little extra if you get lost) makes this a great little piece of equipment to add to your own.

Thinking of treating myself to one before I head out to Nepal next so expect a blog post in the future on how it works.

To see the Garmin etrex GPS & other GPS units please follow link below

GPS Products