Hiking through the villages in Chitwan

Always respect the areas you hike through

I have spent a lot of time in rural Nepal with members of my family and families of friends and in all of this time I have to admit I have been blown over by such a welcoming hospitality from everyone. From being up in a small village hours away from the nearest town to next to the jungle in Chitwan I have always felt welcome & this is one of the reasons I want to build Hiking4fun as it will give you the chance to experience the same feelings i have.

But please if you do come can you remember that you are hiking over lands that are owned by ordinary people trying to make a living the best they can. Some of the houses you see will be big concrete ones with three stories and big rooms. While others will be more traditional like in the photo made from Bamboo & mud on land that others don’t want. These houses are usually lived in by landless people who are very poor either surviving by working as day labourers or going abroad to a gulf country for low pay. The houses themselves are well designed as they are warm in winter and keep cool in summer and so easy to maintain because all materials are gown or found locally.

So if I get to the point if you are hiking through these villages please be respectful to the locals living there and don’t take hundreds of photos of where they live etc. In today’s world where everything is online photos can be seen by everyone and I just feel that everyone should have a level of privacy no matter where they live. By all means say hello and ask if they are happy for photos as the majority of people will be & remember treat them like you would want to be treated outside your own home. I know the majority of people will do this naturally but occasionally people get carried away the first time they experience something new and snap away like there is no tomorrow.

Main thing is to have fun, create memories and experience new things while you are hiking in Nepal.

For more details of hiking in Nepal press the link below.

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