How trekking can help us achieve our goals.

Our goal is to help create infrastructure into rural Nepal where hiking can be done at your own pace and distance. The benefits of this for the international visitor is they can experience the rich cultural environment up close by being a part of it. Because by living in the community and not a hotel or guest house designed for tourists you become part of the community with your hosts being more than happy to invite you to celebrate their festivals and customs. The accommodation will be a lot more basic though but you will have a good bed, running water and electricity as well as great food. Which when added to the amazing experience waiting you I think there would be no complaints.

For the host villages themselves the creation of a tourism business which they will be able to promote and grow with funds coming from outside of the area is immense. Just bringing a few groups a year to experience rural Nepal will bring funds that can be spent on helping the local school, developing the local medical centre and helping to establish different businesses for the locals. And if it works well then no longer will the young people have to look to the cities and abroad for work when they can do something for their own community.

But to do this we need funds to pay for promotion of our ideas, to research new routes and to send our local teams to hike more of the routes. We need to talk with local communities on how we can help them through establishing infrastructure and so many other things. And if we use trekking which plays a big part of Nepal’s tourism to fund some of this it would be a good thing as it would help more Nepali than just the ones on the major trekking routes.

So if you are planning to come trekking in Nepal then please consider coming through us, we have a great team in Nepal waiting to help plan your trek of a lifetime. All of them dedicated to helping us create this project.

More details please contact me on the link below.

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