When hiking the trails you may be surprised who you meet

Nepal is a small land locked Himalayan country that lies between the two Asian powerhouse of India & China. The geographical landscape is amazing because in just a hundred miles or so from north to south you can go from sub tropical flatlands to the snow capped mountains of the highest mountains in the world. And between this are the amazing foothills that are home to some unique cultures including the famous Gurkha’s that have served with the British army for several hundred years. Add the rich cultural history of this small country with the warm hospitality of its people makes this one of the best countries for international adventurers to visit. The main reason for visiting Nepal is for trekking in the Himalayas where you can reach such base camps as Mount Everest or the Annapurna at around 5500 metres & still look upwards at the towering peaks. Then after this you find many thrill seekers arriving for such sports as rafting, canoeing or para gliding or just exploring the natural beauty of rural Nepal that is all around you. 

A normal day in Chitwan
This is one of the greatest countries for trekking in the world because of the snow capped Himalayas just miles from Kathmandu but to me its a great place for others who just want to hike & explore. Starting with the flatlands of the Terai to the south where you could spend a few days hiking along the Rapti river (with guide as this is a national park) looking for such animals as rhinos, elephants, crocs & many more. Or walk through the local villages where you can experience the old ways mixing with modern just soaking up an atmosphere that is so different from home. Before moving up in the foothills where the hiking is a lot more strenuous as you navigate the valleys looking for that impressive view of the snow capped Himalayas. This area stretches right up to around 3500 metres allowing you the opportunity to explore ancient settlements, religious temples, Stupas & monasteries & some of the most amazing views of the Himalayas available for you. Or just head even farther north along the trekking routes towards the base camps that are just waiting for you in the snow capped mountains.

At Hiking4fun our aim is to promote Hiking in Nepal for fun where there are no set routes, distances to cover & times to do so. Because at the end of the day Hiking is fun & each person has their own pace in which they are comfortable to walk. Plus we want to help promote local communities as well where the opportunity for great walks & amazing walks are just waiting for you. So we have teamed up with local homestays in various areas to create hiking for fun while helping to support local communities.

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