Powerbanks a useful addition to your hiking kit

Great for the rucksack

I have been hiking for over 30 years mainly in the UK & Nepal because of work & family life etc. But in all my time I have been lucky in the fact that I have only been lost once and that was on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines when trying to reach the biggest waterfall in the middle of the jungle. It was interesting to say the least and we were luckily enough to stumble on an old track which led us to safety after about 18 hours in the jungle. But other than that I haven’t really experienced any problems because when I am out in Nepal I usually have friends with me who know the area.

But with the world as open as it is now (or use to be before covid) people could go anywhere in the world exploring often finding themselves lost or in trouble if they don’t have guides. So my thoughts are simple if you have a mobile phone because lets face it the mobile phone these days does everything a computer does and a portable power bank in your back pack there are no reason why you should ever become lost and if you do then you can call for help.

The logic behind this is everyone when out uses the mobile to take photos, videos and make calls which can drain the battery (if your battery is like mine) which if you are stuck say 5 miles up a trail and its getting dark when the charge runs out then it could be a problem. But with a portable power bank in your kit and they don’t weigh much all you have to do is plug the phone in and just wait for it to recharge meaning you have contact with civilization again which is this day and age seems to be a must.

So if your the sort of person who loves taking photos, videos and hikes then why not put a power bank in your back pack just in case its needed. Even if your not lost you can always recharge the phone and take more photos etc.

Have a look at the portable powerbanks on our website through the link below.

Portable Powerbanks