The difference between trekking & Hiking in Nepal?

You would think that there is no difference between trekking & hiking4fun in Nepal but you would be wrong even though both require you to walk on a daily basis. Firstly if we look at the costs involved in trekking it requires permits, hotels along the trail, transportation to & from the trek starting position & food which as you get higher into the Himalayas costs more & the guides needed to keep you safe along the way. I have to say its worth the money paid because trekking in the Himalayas is probably on every persons bucket list who have a passion for walking. Whereas if you come through Hiking4fun you pay a small admin & airport pickup fee which not only covers everything that settles you into a hotel in Nepal. It provides you will all of the support while you are hiking through our team until you leave the country. All you pay on top of this is for transportation & your stay in the Homestays as well as some shopping for those souvenirs when you return home. Meaning that depending which homestay package you choose you could be paying as little as £20 a day for such an experience.

Beautiful village you can walk through

Then if you look at the walking side of your holiday which has to be the most important part after the costs you find with Trekking you have a time table to achieve as you make your way up the trail. Most treks are designed to suit all abilities so the faster ones among us will reach there in a few hours while those of a lower fitness level will take a few hours longer. Whereas our Hiking trips allow you to be based in one homestay where there are a number of hikes you can do to experience Nepal at its best. Each one when accompanied by your guide can be done in a day or if you feel tired or see something of interest you can veer off to explore. Its a far more relaxed way of walking because you are your own boss. In fact if you don’t want to walk out one day & would rather experience the daily life of Nepali living around you then don’t its as simple as that.

And finally the experience you will have as when trekking the whole experience is based around tourism so its very much designed for foreigners rather than traditional Nepali. Whereas the experience you will have hiking with us is rural Nepali living their lives on a day to day basis. The people you meet along the way will be local Nepali, you stay at a traditional Nepali homestay & eat traditional Nepali home cooked food. All of this to me adds up to a greater experience than the trekking because its more real.

So please have a look through our website and if you want to know more then contact us by pressing the Link.   Link