The Lafagiet rechargeable lighter (what a great idea)

Never need another lighter after you buy this

The Lafagiet rechargeable lighter is one professional waterproof lighter for all outdoor activities like camping, hunting, hiking or even swimming because it works perfectly in all weathers & even after being submerged in water. To me its a great invention because no longer do we have to dig in our pockets to find those soggy matches (I am showing my age again) which fall apart every time you strike them. Something I think that has happened to all of us over the years. And when you compare these to the traditional lighters there is no comparison because no refilling or butane or Kerosene because when this lighter is fully charged it can be used between 150-200 times. So in theory unless you are a chain smoker you can charge this lighter up before your travels and easily manage all your needs on just one charge but note as its charged by USB take the cable along just in case because you can easily refill the charge anywhere in the world.

When you look at the lighter it looks great, easy to carry as well as being small enough to be stored anywhere in your kit so in theory you don’t even notice its there until its needed at the end of the day. A great addition to your hiking & camping equipment no matter whether you are a smoker or non smoker. But personally I can see a wider use for these lighters because yes they are great for those outdoor trips though what about in the garden when you are working or out on a day or in my case where my household is made up of mainly Hindus when the festivals are on and candles & incense must be burnt. I bought one for my brother in law who is a smoker as well as working as a gas engineer and on my next trip to Nepal I am planning to take several with me as there are a couple of villagers where I usually go will love these as presents. Both work as small time farmers and both have access to USB charging so its ideal for them.


To sum everything up Lafagiet rechargeable lighter offers a 1 year warranty making this a great little product for you to try.


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