What to look for in Chitwan

Out walking with Deba

When Hiking in Nepal you can go to Chitwan which is part of the flatlands of the Terai which stretches across the entire southern end of Nepal. Ranging from just 60 metres unto the highest point of just over 1900 metres. Its a hot sub tropical paradise stretching down from the foothills of the Himalayas right through to the Indian border. And over the last few decades there has been mass exodus to the flatlands as its far better for farming than the hills meaning the wild animal population have been pushed into a number of special parks that were set up.

And these are now home to a wide range of wild animals living in & around the number of parks scattered across the Tarai. Which are great for hikers & adventure enthusiasts who want to hike into the jungle looking for them (please always take a guide as they know the safest places) to get that great photo. Places like the Sitami lodge are great for basing yourself & wandering around the edges of the national park as the chances of seeing animals is very high.

Add hiking  along the dusty tracks through the Tharu villages who were the original inhabitants of Chitwan where you can see just how clever this caste is with their houses made of local materials(mud & bamboo which is warm in the winter & cool in the summer & very cheap to repair). Its a combination of the old ways & the new as you walk through the village with chickens & goats all around & hear in one of the houses a TV playing some Nepali programme. As well as a number of motorbikes parked around & the large number of mobile phones in peoples hands.

So Chitwan is a great place to soak up the different castes cultural activities while taking time out to see if you can catch that illusive animal near the jungle. Seeing how the old ways have been incorporated with more modern ones while enjoying over 300 day a year sunshine. 

For more details of Hiking in Nepal please use the contact page on this website