What to look for in Kathmandu

Some amazing wood carvings can be seen all of Kathmandu

Kathmandu is an ancient city inside a wide valley in the Himalayas which is actually three cities in one because when they were formed hundreds of years ago it was actually 3 small kingdoms called Kathmandu, Lalitpur & Bhaktapur which as the population of the valley grew became one big city with a population of a few million. I don’t think anyone can actually say just how many people live here because it changes rapidly on a daily basis. Its a big dirty over crowded, over polluted city with noisy roads, bustling crowds and very high air pollution.

But with all its faults (& there are many) it has an appeal for everyone with an amazing mix of the old Nepal living side by side with the more modern one. Spend time wandering the streets marvelling at how one minute you can be walking on a modern street with glass buildings only to turn a corner & you enter a completely different world with narrow streets, old dilapidated buildings & small shops trying to eke out a business from their doorways. Another great thing is to hike around the city and head down to one of the three Durbar squares to soak up Nepali city life in its fullest. See people just hanging around talking, drinking tea & just watching the days go by. Marvel at the buildings of an earlier era & just how much work has gone into the carvings that decorate them. But note there are a number of world heritage sites in Kathmandu worth seeing from both the Buddhist & Hindu religions which are known throughout the world & a great place to spend a couple of days wandering round them taking photos at the amazing sites. Or if you like shopping head down to a place called New road near a famous monument called Queen Ranis pond where you can wander through the shops & try your luck at haggling for that bargain.

Or if you are like me head for the edge of the valley & strike into the wilderness where the edge of the valley holds some remote villages, amazing views of the Himalayas & forests that stretch for miles into rural Nepal. You got to be a little careful which way you head but with a guide the views are amazing. And the best way to experience a visit Kathmandu is to come yourself & hike with us.

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