What to look for in Pokhara?

The beauty of nature above Pokhara

Pokhara is the tourist town of Nepal set in the foothills of the Himalayas & has to be set in one of the most beautiful areas of this mountain country. Set in a wide valley next to a lake it stretches for miles in both directions & home to a host of international eating houses, hotels & trekking firms all ready to provide a great starting & finishing experience to an Annapurna trek. Its a great place to spend a couple of days just chilling out next to the lake eating& drinking to your hearts content as the sun goes down over Pokhara.

But after spending a couple of days in the town itself there are a number of sites to see within walking distance starting with Rupa lake & the temple on the island in the middle of the lake. And to get there you find a large number of boats ready to take you across for a price. From here also you can hike along the lake seeing people at work, para gliders trying to land on the fields nearby or just some fishing for some fresh fish for supper. Or take a longer hike & head up the hill on the other side to the World peace Stupa (look from the lakeside across the lake and upwards to the top of the hill) situated on the top of one of the foothills in-between the trees. Or take a hike up into the foothills on the other side of Pokhara along the trails to see how people live in the small villages surrounding Pokhara.

And of course why not head up along the Annapurna trail for a few days & walk along what is considered to be one of the most beautiful trekking routes in the world. You can choose between just a few days or a couple of weeks up to nearly a month where you can really get the chances to see the beauty of the Annapurna mountains. But no matter where you are in Pokhara whether its by the lake, in the town or in the foothills the one thing you just cant miss is this amazing mountain range that towers above you. This is one of the best places to experience Hiking or trekking in Nepal.

So if you fancy coming to Nepal then use the link below

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