What we want to achieve in Hiking4fun

The aim of Hiking4fun is two fold the first being to try & establish a new way of hiking in Nepal based in the Himalayas in the foothills of Nepal as it really is a great place for Hikers of all ages who have that adventurous spirit. Based at a local homestay chosen for their scenic views and potential walks with a local guide who will be there to look after you. From here you will be able to experience local culture (Nepal has many festivals) as these homestays were created specifically to give foreign visitors a brief insight into this amazing culture. Which from personal experience is so different to my own meaning I actually learnt a lot from my experiences in rural Nepal leading to a different path for my life. But back to the point by being based at local homestays it gives you the chance to hike across areas other foreign visitors have rarely been. You see sights that you wont usually see on the tourist trails on treks & you tend to meet Nepali who are interested in talking with you because they want to & not because its a job. In fact its a great way to become immersed in rural Nepali culture and the way of life as well as learn something about yourself.

The second aim we have is to help create local infrastructure in these villages for a number of reasons. One of these being that so many of these villages are full of natural beauty but because there isn’t an infrastructure to promote jobs & security for the locals many will travel to gulf countries looking for work (which can be dangerous because of the conditions). While others will travel to the cities both in Nepal & abroad to study where a large percentage staying where they study. Not only is it a brain drain on the area but also manpower is reduced (years ago I attended a funeral of a 34 year old woman who died of a broken leg, she couldn’t reach the local hospital 4 hours walk down the mountain because there wasn’t any of the young men who could help her which led to her going into shock and passing away) Now with many of these areas having internet & mobiles phones as well as basic roads I feel with a little support different industries can be set up here so young locals can stay & work on the lands they were born on. We may only be helping in a small way trying to open up hiking in rural Nepal but we hope that with a little help it will lead to others having great ideas to create sustainable business in these areas. Which in turn will lead to a prosperity in the villages & thus as we all know if the village areas prosper then the country will also.

So if you fancy coming for some Hiking in Nepal then press the link below

Start your journey to Nepal