Why I created Hiking4 fun in Nepal ?

Just waiting to be explored with Hiking in Nepal

I have been involved with Nepal & its people for many years now having lived there for a few years & married to a Nepali lady for the last 13 years. Over this time I have been involved in creating an NGO that has helped a few thousand people in a small way there & have travelled to parts of Nepal international tourists just don’t go. And through all of these years I have experienced the true warmth of the Nepali people from which I have many stories for another day.

And from these experiences I have found that if you really want to experience rural Nepal & its people at their best you must go to areas where there isn’t an infrastructure for tourism. Because this is where you will see real life real people & see a culture that is so different from the West. Its a place where the old ways & culture are becoming more & more mixed with the new where you can see someone ploughing a field with oxen with a mobile phone in his pocket. And the views, well they are just as amazing as the ones along the trekking trails.

So with my passion for being outside & my desire to help others I have been working with several Nepali to put together ideas which would open up rural Nepal to a different type of tourism where the funds generated would be spent in the community thus benefiting everyone & not the select few. Ideas first floated around were running across rural Nepal, bird watching & a few others until we stumbled on the idea of hiking. With a theory that trekking can be very expensive especially if you are going first time we thought well most people coming to Nepal are here for the outdoors why not create a different form of walking in the Himalayas.

Thus Hiking4fun or Hiking in Nepal was born and slowly created with a plan to open up rural Nepal for hiking where our guests would stay for a few days in various homestays across the country. To us this would mean that the homestays received customers & international recognition, local shops where snacks are bought would receive a much needed boost & our charity side of the operation would also receive a boost. Add all of this to the fact that its a lot cheaper than trekking means everyone wins.

So why not get in touch using the link below ref Wayne for more information on Hiking in Nepal 

