Why i want the Chitwan trail to work

There are many reasons I would love to see the Chitwan trek become successful though the main one has to be what socially responsible regular treks could do for entire villages along the trail. And when I write villages you will find that most of them are just a small collection of houses dotted around with such basic amenities as a health post (often with no health assistant) and a small school teaching up to 11 years of age. Shops are virtually non existent often comprising of just a single room with the most basic of supplies.


The foothills of the Himalayas just waiting for you to explore

The villagers mainly survive by farming small plots of land or moving to the city to find work will do anything so that their children can have a better life. And with a little help from my team and the international community we can really help them. Because by creating a successful trekking route through their villages we can create an income that will flow into the hands of each of the families living there. Some will run traditional homestays where you can experience what it is like to survive in rural Nepal. Others will open small shops providing you and the locals with the necessities for a comfortable stay. And we hope others will start their own companies bringing tourists which in turn will uplift the communities even more.

Our long term objective is to work for the betterment of whole communities through helping them to utilise what they have at their disposal. Which here in the foothills of the Himalayas overlooking the flatlands of Chitwan has to be the welcoming hospitality of the Nepali with the beautiful views that are to be had no matter which direction you look.

So please if you are interested in walking, hiking or trekking as well as socially responsible projects that help support normal people then why not come to Nepal and see this for yourself.

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